Setiap orang dari berbagai latar belakang berhak mendapatkan 5 Pilar Kualitas Diri, yaitu: Kecerdasan Emosional, Finansial, Sosial (Komunikasi), Kepemimpinan, Kesehatan untuk mengembangkan hidup mereka. Sebelumnya, 5 Pilar ini hanya dapat diakses oleh kalangan tertentu saja. Dengan adanya Program Pengembangan Diri GRATIS yang kami adakan, kami berharap semua orang bisa meningkatkan kualitas hidupnya.
Akses mudah via Whatsapp, dilengkapi dengan Workbook dan Audio Terapi
Tiap peserta didampingi secara intens setiap hari
Temukan relasi berkualitas dari berbagai bidang dan jadilah PEMIMPIN!
Want Patrick's full attention? Nothing compares with a live one on one strategy call! You can express all your concerns and get the best and most straight forward learning experience.
The Leaders
Prommunity dibentuk dan dipimpin oleh enam anak muda bangsa yang sudah banyak menorehkan berbagai prestasi, kesuksesan karir dan bisnis, serta kepemimpinan dengan landasan yang kuat di berbagai bidang sehingga terjalin berbagai relasi berkualitas di Prommunity
Pro Yurenda Aiva
23 Tahun, Surabaya
Pro Alvonsus Vito
26 Tahun, Semarang
Seorang pegawai yang juga expert dalam Videography, Design
Pro Astriyanti
37 Tahun, Batu - Malang
Accelerate your career with courses designed to advance your professional journey by building a personal brand.
Pro Luky Firdiansyah
Master the art of business with courses that cover essential skills you need to thrive in today’s business environment.
Pro Nanik Lestari
Invest in your personal growth with courses that help you discover your purpose and develop habits for success.
Pro Miftahul Ulum
Accelerate your career with courses designed to advance your professional journey by building a personal brand.
"The belief that you can improve will motivate you to persevere, despite any obstacles"
Patrick Halloway is recognized for his expertise in helping individuals unleash their potential. With a genuine passion for personal development and a proven track record of success, Patrick empowers clients to overcome obstacles, cultivate a growth mindset, and achieve their goals.
Get enrolled in the courses
The most popular expertly crafted courses, carefully created to cover essential topics in business, motivation, mindset, growth, and personal development.
Patrick is exceptional! With his guidance, I transformed my business from an idea to a thriving reality. His expertise and support were invaluable on my entrepreneurial journey. I highly recommend him and also his coaching services!
Victoria Anderson
CEO @ Baker Paradise
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